My Testimony About My Faith With The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints

Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints means a lot to me. I've never been more happy to be apart of this gospel. I've recently have had the opportunity to be called on a mission to Samoa. I will be there for the next two years of my life and if I didn't believe this gospel was true I would not travel half way around the world to go and preach something I didn't believe it myself.

 I know that heavenly father placed me here in this mission for a reason and that I have a purpose and people there to serve and bring into the joy and happiness that we all have had as being children of god. I know that this church is true and the book of Mormon is proof of it's truthfulness. All we must do as children if God is serve each other and follow the commandments of God and to bring others unto him and to help others know of his existence.

I love this gospel and this church with all my heart might mind and strength and I will never say it isn't true. I love my father in heaven and our brother Jesus Christ. For he is the Reedemer of the world and the most perfect example that we all can follow.

I testify that if we choose the right and not fall to the temptations of Satan we will not be cast off from heavenly fathers presence. I myself am fighting with Satan every minute of every day but I know if I keep strong an choose the right the lord will bless me and the same goes for all of us. This is my prayer and my testimony and I say these things in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Elder Fitisemanu <3 I posted twice from my phone but I guess I didn't sign in right because I don't see it on here :( SECRETARY Ayesha! Call Google, I need my posts back!LOL

    Seriously, I hope you are well. I had shared in the "ghost" posts, my testimony to you about the Gospel. The True and Everlasting Covenant is our treasure and I'm thankful that I realized this. It was late in life but I know that we do learn line upon line for a reason. When I was prearing for the Temple, I felt like a was bursting with the Spirit and waned to tell everybody! It's undescribable and it's probably because it's a sacred feeling. You are in a choice position and know that you will cherish every second. The best to you Elder Fitisemanu!

    Love Always,
    Aunty Jacquelyn
